According to the latest news from the GSMA and its director, the Mobile World Congress 2021 will take place in person from 28 June to 1 July in Barcelona. This is great news for event sector companies like ours. We are observing how, from May onwards, trade fairs, congresses and shows are starting to be held again in Spain.
The Mobile World Congress stands out for its importance and size. This year, according to the organisers, it will attract a smaller number of attendees, around 50,000. In order to develop the necessary sanitary measures for the event to be a safe space for attendees. In view of this confirmation SB Service offers our catalogue of interactive touchscreen devices for rent in the current post.
Catalogue of large format digital tactile devices
Indoor digital tactile totem
Indoor digital touch totems are characterised by their shape and elegance. They are ideal for indoor events. They attract the attention of those present, thanks to their large size. We have different sizes, with screens of 43″, 49″, 55″ and 65″. 55″ y 65″.
Indoor digital rotating touch screen totems
Within the totems we have the rotating digital tactile totems. The main characteristic of this type of totems is that they allow information to be displayed horizontally and vertically. Depending on the needs of each moment. For example, if you want to show a video you can do it horizontally. And then return to the vertical format to continue showing the rest of your information. We have 36″, 43″ and 49″.
Outdoor digital touch totem
The digital touch outdoor totem stands out for its IP65 protection rating. Withstanding all kinds of inclement weather. Like the sun, wind, humidity, cold, corrosion… Being able to work outdoors at full capacity without rest. This makes it possible to develop marketing and advertising campaigns outdoors. That will attract the attention of those present at MWC 2021. We have 49″, 55″ and 65″ screens.
Smartphone Shape
The interactive touch device in the shape of a Smartphone, stands out for simulating a traditional Smartphone in large format. Thanks to the multitouch technology, it offers an experience to your potential customers similar to that of a traditional smartphone. In addition, its unique shape attracts more attention than other touch devices. We have 32″, 36″, 43″ and 49″ screens.
Touch kiosks
Touch kiosks stand out because of their shape. Allowing potential customers to interact in a more ergonomic way than with other large-format interactive touchscreens. We have 32″, 43″, 49″, 55″ and 65″ screens.
Touch screens
We also have large format touch screens that can be installed in any space. As walls, stands, tables… Being our most versatile elements. We have touch screens for rent in 32″, 43″, 49″, 55″ and 65″.
Tactile or customised tables
Thanks to the touch screens we can develop all kinds of custom touch devices. Being the most demanded the touch tables. If you have a different and unique idea, let us know, we will make it come true. You will communicate your information the way you want to your audience.
All outdoor touch devices are composed by 4k touch screens. With multitouch technology of 10 simultaneous touch points, computer and Wi-Fi. This allows them to be customised for all kinds of applications and programs. Being able to create the marketing and advertising campaigns you want. Facilitating communication with those present at the Mobile World Congress 2021.
In the following post we will explain the characteristics of our catalogue of audiovisuals for rent for the Mobile World Congress 2021. If you need any of our tactile interactives for this or any other similar event, do not hesitate to contact us, we will inform you without obligation. Follow us on Instagram, you will be able to see our latest montages and works.
Touch screen for hire in Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Bilbao, Zaragoza, Sevilla, Spain and Europe.