Rental of interactive touch screen and audiovisuals for September fairs

In view of the health and economic situation caused by the Covid-19, the city of Barcelona will begin to host new fairs and congresses from September. Developing the anti-covid measures established by the health authorities

During the month of September and the last months of the year several fairs have been established. Like the Bridal Fashion Week, Fòrum Gastronòmic, Salón Náutico, Smart City, IBTM, BizBarcelona, Foodtech, Eurosurfas, Expoquimica and Equiplast.

Fira de Barcelona will establish various measures. The most notable are the expansion of spaces to guarantee social distance between those present. The control of access, capacity and flows of visitors to manage to maintain this distance. Control of temperature at entrances and reinforced ventilation to improve it.

With these measures, Fira de Barcelona wants to avoid bouncing around inside its facilities. To be able to continue with the trade fair calendar without further cancellations. The measures also include the elimination of processes that create social interactions, which may be unnecessary. The consultancy firm Aon and the Hospital Clín de Barcelona advised on the development of the security measures.

The stands must also carry out the various security measures. The various congresses, exhibitions and conferences will be held with limited capacity and digital broadcasts. In order to reach a greater number of attendees and professionals in the sector.

Catalogue of interactive touch screens for rent offered by our company

SB Service as specialists in the rental sector of audiovisual and interactive tactile offer our extensive catalog for the fairs held in Barcelona in the coming months. In the interactive touch section we have interactive smartphones, totems, outdoor totems, rotating totems, kiosks, tables and screens. The interactive elements are composed of large format touch screens (between 27″ and 65″). Capacitive technology with 10 simultaneous touch points, 4k computer and built-in Wi-Fi.

In the section of audiovisuals and large format screens. We have Truss, Circular Truss, Black Truss, Smart TV, Led Wall and Video Wall.

If you want to know more about our services and rates, please contact us, without obligation. Follow us on Instagram to see our latest work. In case you need a customized stand, please visit the website of our partner Angle Exhibits.

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